The last time

Today was a day of lasts;   last time to change the beds (here I mean, not ever)  Last time Tinkerbelle and I played hairdressers in the studio, last time using the oven, last weekend in this house.

Quite frankly I feel a little overwhelmed by the enormity of what we are doing, I know that I will look back with rose tinted spectacles having forgotten the utter chaos of five people with totally different priorities sorting out thirty two years of life.   Each personality can be defined by what they have packed and what they are leaving behind; Lucky is taking his computer, lovingly boxed and organised but hasn’t really bothered with his clothes, thing two is  following the same packing process he used when he went to NZ for a year – three boxes of tools and a pair of pants in a backpack.   I’ve packed my books and vacuum packed my summer clothes ready for departure, this time next week we will be staying with our Fairy Godmother while we wait for sales to complete.

We are about to eat supper but the lovely ‘A’ packed all the plates and left us one each for daily use this week but my partner in crime has broken one so we shall eat in shifts for the duration.