A serious mid life crisis

I feel that at this juncture it is only fair that I explain the reason for writing this journal and the spelling of the title.

When we decided to sell our family home  we had nowhere to go and no clue what we were doing or why, simply an amorphous idea that things could be different.  As time went on proposals were put forward and a plan was formulated, however,  remembering why you made particular decisions is sometimes difficult;  my Darling Dad has dementia and I wish I could remember everything for him but I can’t, so to ensure that I never forget what we are doing and why I thought I’d write it down.

With regard to the title, I wanted to call it a serious midlife crisis but  all the midlife crisis (singular and plural) web names were taken,  so I used a phonetic spelling which only works in the plural, which, considering my motto of;  people only take notice if you get it wrong, seemed entirely appropriate.  Thus appeared a ‘series of midlife crices’.

On a personal note, ten days into spring and I have hay fever…