Famous for lies

We’re near a place called Nerac, it is the most amazing town, it looks exactly like you have been dropped into a Hans Anderson fairy tale.  The houses are so beautiful and we were quite prepared to end our travels on day four, settle down and buy one!  We had a wonderful lunch and wander around the market with the Blonde Bombshell’s sister and brother in law who are lucky enough to live there.  If it doesn’t rain on Monday we will stay on for a few more days.

I took Sunny out for a walk when it got a bit cooler today and walked up the hill to the village behind the campsite, there had been a festival last week and there were pictures all over the village of how it had looked in 1800, apart from the clothes the people were wearing there was absolutely no difference. The festival last week was a lying competition and the village is famous for its liars, there was even a stone chair, clearly very old, that you sit on to tell your best lies.  By the time I’d finished my walk I thought the photos were doctored and didn’t believe anything I was reading, including the sign saying that Pinocchio had lived here.    The photos are of Nerac, I forgot to take my phone on my walk up the hill.